

Circle generator creates circles based on the radius and the number of vertices. What does that mean? It means that if the number of vertices is too low, ir will stop being a circle and will be a regular polygon, in example:

- 3 vertices = triangle.
- 4 vertices = square
- ...
- 6 vertices =  hexagon
- ...
- Many vertices =  circle

This node will also create sector or semgent of circles using the Degrees option. See the examples below to see it working also with the mode option.


All inputs are vectorized and they will accept single or multiple values. There is three inputs:

  • Radius
  • N Vertices
  • Degrees

Same as other generators, all inputs will accept a single number, an array or even an array of arrays:

[2, 4, 6]
[[2], [4]]


All parameters except Mode can be given by the node or an external input.

Param Type Default Description
Radius Float 1.00 radius of the circle
N Vertices Int 24 number of vertices to generate the circle
Degrees Float 360.0 angle for a sector/segment circle
Mode Bollean False switch between two sector and segment circle


Vertices, Edges and Polygons. All outputs will be generated. Depending on the type of the inputs, the node will generate only one or multiples independant circles. In example:

CircleDemo1.PNG CircleDemo2.PNG

As you can see in the red rounded values, depending on how many inputs have the node, will be generated those same number of outputs.

If Degrees is minor than 0, depending of the mode state, will be generated a sector or a segment of a circle with that degrees angle.

Example of usage


In this first example we see that circle generator can be a circle but also any regular polygon that you want.


The second example shows the use of mode option and how it generates sector or segment of a circle based on the degrees value.