Apply Matrix to Mesh


Applies a Transform Matrix to a list or nested lists of vertices, edges and faces. If several matrices are provided on the input, then this node will produce several meshes.

Note. Unless there is further processing going on which explicitly require the duplicated topology, then letting the Viewer Draw or BMesh Viewer nodes automatically repeat the index lists for the edges and faces is slightly more efficient than use of this node.


This node has the following inputs:

  • Vertices. Represents vertices or intermediate vectors used for further vector math.
  • Edges
  • Faces
  • Matrices. One or more, never empty.


This node has the following parameter:

Join. If set, then this node will join output meshes into one mesh, the same way as Mesh Join node does. Otherwise, if N matrices are provided at the input, this node will produce N lists of vertices, N lists of edges and N lists of faces.


This node has the following outputs:

  • Vertices. Nested list of vectors / vertices, matching the number nested incoming matrices.
  • Edges. Input edges list, repeated the number of incoming matrices. Empty if corresponding input is empty.
  • Faces. Input faces list, repeated the number of incoming matrices. Empty if corresponding input is empty.
